6th Swedish Cancer Research Meeting
Welcome to the 6th Swedish Cancer Research Meeting the 16-17th May 2023. The Swedish Cancer Research Meeting has been arranged since 2010 by the National Strategic Research Areas in Cancer bringing together the whole field of cancer researchers in Sweden. The event is circulating between the different organisations and in 2023 it is Cancer Research KI at Karolinska Institutet that will host the meeting held at Aula Medica Karolinska Institutet.
The aim of the meeting
• To foster and enhance collaborations across cancer researchers nationally joining forces to in a joint fight to end cancer
• To share innovative research knowledge and gain valuable experience from peers in the cancer field.
• To share resources by demonstrating the state-of-the art technologies and facilities available at different universities nationally.
Everyone is encouraged to present a poster or/and to apply for a slot for a talk during break-out sessions 1-6 (20 minutes) by submitting an abstract before the end of March 20th, 2023. ABSTRACT SUBMISSION HERE

Organized by

Academic Conferences
scrm2023 administration
Phone +46 18 67 10 03
Important dates
Abstract submission deadline March 20, 2023
Registration deadline April 14, 2023